Privacy Policy.

At Accurate Securities & Registry Private Limited data protection is a matter of trust and your privacy is very important to us. We use your information only in the manner set out in this privacy policy. Please read this privacy policy to learn more about our information-gathering and dissemination practices. The privacy practices of this statement apply to services available under this domain, sub-domains and shall apply to generally the websites generated by us, our affiliates, our subsidiaries or our joint ventures if any. By visiting the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. This privacy policy explains how Accurate Securities & Registry Private Limited gathers information either mandatory or optional as part of the normal business procedure. This detailed privacy policy enables you to make informed decisions in dealings with us.

By browsing the website, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms of this privacy policy and give an express consent to our use and disclosure of your information in accordance with this privacy policy and that any information provided by you through the website is provided under a lawful contract.


Your trust and privacy protection are our highest priority. We promise that we will not trade your information with third parties without your explicit consent. From time to time, we may reveal general statistical information about our website visitors, such as a number of visitors, page views, and type of products and services purchased, etc. We may provide the collected information to our affiliates and service providers under contract (such as customer care, data analytics) to support the operation of our business. To some extent, we may use your information to market you.


In our efforts to continually improve our offerings, we collect and analyze demographic, profile and usage data about the users’ activity on our site. If you choose to post messages on our message boards, chat rooms or other message areas or leave feedback for other users, we retain this information as necessary to resolve disputes, provide customer support and troubleshoot problems as permitted by law. If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, we may collect such information also. If you register for this site or on another site or use a website providing a services on behalf of us or a website that helps facilitates your activity on this website, that website may provide information about you and your transactions back to us.


Your information is an important part of our business and we are not in the business of selling information to others. Our site shares your information only to categories of persons that are either subject to this privacy policy or follow practices as protective as those described in this privacy policy. We share much of our data, including information about you, with our affiliates, our subsidiaries or our joint ventures that are committed to serving your online needs and related services. To the extent that these entities have access to your information, they remain bound by this privacy policy. As we continue to develop our business, we might sell some part of it. In such transactions, your information generally is one of the transferred business assets but remains subject to the promises made in any pre-existing privacy policy.


We cooperate with law enforcement and regulatory inquiries, such as intellectual property rights, fraud, and other rights, to help protect you and the community from bad actors. Therefore, in response to a verified request by law enforcement or other regulatory authorities relating to a criminal investigation or alleged illegal activity, we may (and you authorize us to) disclose some/all of your information as is reasonably necessary to respond to court orders or other legal proceedings.


Use of this site is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract. If you are under the age of 18, you cannot use the services of this site. If you wish to do so, such action shall be made by your legal guardian or parents.

Our privacy policy is subject to change at any time without notice. To make sure you are aware of any changes, please review this policy periodically. Modified date: June 1, 2019.